Mari322019-03-04 10:42:33
C++ / C#
Mari32, 2019-03-04 10:42:33

How to output grades in a C# program?

namespace ConsoleApp1
    struct Student
        public string Name;
        public string GroupName;
        public DateTime BirthDay;
        public Dictionary<string, byte> Marks;
        public Student(string name, string groupname, DateTime birthday)
            Name = name;
            GroupName = groupname;
            BirthDay = birthday;
            Marks = new Dictionary<string, byte>();
        public string ToString(bool isFullInfo)
            string res = "";
                res += String.Format("{0,15} {3}.{2}.{1}r. {4}", Name, BirthDay.Year, BirthDay.Month, BirthDay.Day, GroupName);
            if (isFullInfo)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, byte> m in Marks)
                    res += String.Format("\n{0} - {1}", m.Key, m.Value);
            return res;

        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                string[] Subjects = new string[] { "Физика", "История", "Информатика" };
                List<Student> students = new List<Student>();
                Student n1 = new Student("Николай", "18-ИНН", new DateTime(2000, 02, 12));
                n1.Marks.Add("Физика", 4);
                n1.Marks.Add("История", 4);
                n1.Marks.Add("Информатика", 5);
                Student n2 = new Student("Денис", "18-ИАС", new DateTime(2000, 03, 25));
                n2.Marks.Add("Физика", 2);
                n2.Marks.Add("История", 4);
                n2.Marks.Add("Информатика", 4);

                Student n3 = new Student("Александр", "18-ИСТ", new DateTime(2000, 05, 19));
                n3.Marks.Add("Физика", 5);
                n3.Marks.Add("История", 5);
                n3.Marks.Add("Информатика", 5);

                Console.WriteLine("Меню: \n1) Список студентов \n2) Список задолжников \n3) Список студентов с повышенной стипендией");
                int menu = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine());
                switch (menu)
                    case 1:
                        for (int i = 0; i < students.Count; i++)
                            Console.WriteLine("Имя: {0} Группа: {1} Дата рождения: {2}", students[i].Name + "\t", students[i].GroupName + "\t", students[i].BirthDay + "\t");
                        case 2:
                        foreach (Student s in students)


There is a program written in C#. It is required to display students and their grades for each subject. Also identify debtors and students receiving an increased scholarship. Debtors are students who have received at least one "2".

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1 answer(s)
Foggy Finder, 2019-03-04

It's not entirely clear what caused the problem. But let's figure it out.
1. You already have a ToString method definition for your Student object . I propose to change it a little - instead of passing a variable indicating the request for information in a detailed or abbreviated form, we will divide it into two separate methods. ShortFormat , which will return the short version, while overriding the default ToString() to get the full data.

public string ShortFormat()
    return string.Format("{0,15} {1} {2}", Name, BirthDay.ToShortDateString(), GroupName);

public override string ToString()
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ShortFormat());
    foreach (var m in Marks)
        sb.AppendFormat("{0} - {1}\n", m.Key, m.Value);
    return sb.ToString();

2. To determine if our student has debts, we will use the ContainsValue method : Now it remains only to correctly call the methods / properties:
switch (menu)
    case 1:
        foreach (var student in students)
    case 2:
        foreach (var student in students.Where(s => s.HasDebt))

Note that we used the Linq Where method to filter the debtors .
And in addition a few comments:
1. Exposing a mutable collection (in your case Dictionary<_,_>) is usually not a good idea, it's better to add a few helper methods / properties that will work with a private field.
2. In the current implementation, the menu allows you to select only one option.

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