Lavrenty Fedotov2017-02-16 12:41:58
Lavrenty Fedotov, 2017-02-16 12:41:58

How to output data from json in order in python?

Python sends different data, sends and parses the response as json from the site and receives:


Due to different data, different answers (different coins) may come, how to display them as a list in the form
1. the first coins from json
2. the second coins from json
and so on.
Those. not a specific coins, but as they come in order, so display them.
If possible, an example of a code
Thank you!

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1 answer(s)
aRegius, 2017-02-16

Get to the nested key a la "Feathercoin" via for i in dict_name['coins'] :

>>> d = {'coins': {'Feathercoin': {'tag': 'FTC', 'algorithm': 'NeoScrypt', 'block_time': '62.0'}}}
>>> for i in d['coins']:
          print('Coins - ', i, ': ', 'Tag - ', d['coins'][i]['tag'], ': ', 'Algorithm - ', d['coins'][i]['algorithm'])
Coins -  Feathercoin :  Tag -  FTC :  Algorithm -  NeoScrypt

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