ngapp2020-08-23 18:37:54
ngapp, 2020-08-23 18:37:54

How to output 2 values ​​from a function?

Hello everyone, there is a function that counts the sum of the entered numbers and the number of positive numbers.
That is, the result of the function is 2 parameters: sum and pos , which must be passed to the main function.
How can this be done? I decided to combine them into an array and pass the data array, but I can’t call sum and pos separately inside println in fun main

fun main() {
    // Рассчет кол-ва положительных чисел и суммы введенных чисел
    print("Введите число N: ")
    val n = readLine()?.toIntOrNull()
        ?.let { n ->
            if (n > 0) {
                println("Количество положительных чисел: ${calcPositiveAndSumByWhile(n)}")
                println("Сумма чисел: ${calcPositiveAndSumByWhile(n)}")
            } else {
                println("Вы ввели не число\n")
        ?: println("Вы ввели не число\n")

    // Рассчет НОД
    print("Введите любое число: ")
    val num = readLine()?.toIntOrNull()
        ?.let { num ->
            if (num > 0) {
            } else {
                println("Вы ввели не число\n")
        ?: println("Вы ввели не число\n")

fun calcPositiveAndSumByWhile(n: Int): Array<Int> {
    var pos: Int = 0
    var sum: Int = 0
    var currentNumber: Int = 0
    while (currentNumber < n) {
        print("Введите число $currentNumber: ")
        val m = readLine()?.toIntOrNull()
            ?.let { m ->
                if (m > 0) {
                    sum += m
                } else {
                    sum += m
            ?: println("Вы ввели не число\n")
    return arrayOf(pos, sum)

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2 answer(s)
foonfyrick, 2020-09-24

Either return a data class or a pair of Pair values

illuzor, 2020-08-23

You need to create a data class with two properties and use it instead of an array.

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