Max2019-06-08 23:13:21
Max, 2019-06-08 23:13:21

How to organize work in a team?

Good afternoon.
What is the best way to work in a team?
1) Through the project fork and pull requests.
In this case, one clean commit gets into the master after all the discussions, refactoring, code review in one word.
2) For each developer, a separate branch is created, in which he does tasks and then merges with the master (or the team leader himself, who is responsible for the master,
merges). I don’t see any advantages of this approach yet.

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3 answer(s)
Ivan Shumov, 2019-06-08

1. forget the fork - this is generally for other tasks
2. there are many different ways to organize work with the repository and one of the most popular GitFlow
3. The basis of any work with the repository is not only versioning, but also automating the process and deployment, therefore (as already said) use branches by tasks, well, start using merge request (aka pull request and many other names). in this way, you can adequately implement cross-review in the team and everything will fall into place

BorLaze, 2019-06-08

3) for each ticket, the developer creates his own branch, in which he does what he needs, then it is merged into the master (either by the developer or by the team lead on the pull request)

Cat Anton, 2019-06-09

If you use GitHub / GitLab, then here is a simple scheme:
In Russian: https://habr.com/en/post/346066/

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