Pavel Gogolinsky2013-12-10 23:19:13
Pavel Gogolinsky, 2013-12-10 23:19:13

How to organize the entrance to the site admin panel for the administrator?

There is a site that does not provide for user registration, that is, the "Login-Password-Submit" form is not visible to any of the users of the site.
How to organize the entrance to the site admin panel for the administrator? In other words, how to show the authorization form only to the administrator and not show it to ordinary users?
Is there a way other than adding "/admin" to the homepage URL?

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8 answer(s)
Rsa97, 2013-12-10

There are not so many normal options - an admin panel on https for a site on http, site / admin, admin.site /, a button or a link on a page.
And you can pervert in different ways, for example, entering some code in the field of one of the forms on the site, binding to the ip of administrators, manually setting a cookie, several invisible areas on the page that you need to click on in a certain order ...

Yuri Lobanov, 2013-12-10

The purely visual component scares you, that everyone sees the authorization, but in fact only admins can log in? Then it might make sense to make something like an Easter egg - click in the corner three times and an authorization block will appear on top. Well, write in the form that the entrance is for the admin, and you, once you found it, well done.

mshak, 2013-12-10

Try to consider a variant of authorization on bilateral SSL.
Authorization by certificate, no login/password forms.

Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2013-12-12

Hm. and you did not think that the admin panel can not be displayed at all?
corny - the admin site, sticking out exclusively inside the local network, on some thread with the hostname adm.site.local, and the frontend exclusively reading from the base sticks out.
Then it is possible to sort through admin.site.net or site.net/admin until the second coming.

Petr Volkhanov, 2013-12-10

IMHO without authorization in any way ...

ChemAli, 2013-12-11

What's the problem with /admin? o_o

Pavel Gogolinsky, 2013-12-11

No, there are no particular problems. I stopped at this option.
But let's say there is lenta.ru. It does not have an /admin page. How do admins access the site?

alta77, 2013-12-11

Logging in by ip (more precisely, displaying authorization) is probably also a perversion?
And so, of course, to enter the url is the easiest and most humane way!)

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