Al Sm2018-03-07 14:45:11
Al Sm, 2018-03-07 14:45:11

How to organize saving values ​​(morphedByMany)?

Hello, I need help, I'm confused!
The idea is this: to have a table with additional fields to the form (which can then be added to different forms of models: News, Blog ...) The
question is how to display these fields correctly and save the values?
In the form, we can send and display all the fields with a foreword 'fields' => Field::all(), but how to fill them with values ​​related to a specific Blog entry?
How to save the values ​​correctly?
Some code:

class Blog extends Model
    public function fields()
        return $this->morphToMany(Field::class, 'fieldable');

class Field extends Model
    public function blogs()
        return $this->morphedByMany(Blog::class, 'fieldable');

class BlogController extends Controller
    public function edit(Blog $blog)
        $blog= Blog ::find($id);
        return view('blog::blog.form', [
            'blog' => $blog,
            'fields' => Field::all()

    @foreach ($fields as $field)
        //выводим все доп. поля (type="text") c name="$field->slug"
        <div class="form-group">
            {{ Form::Text($field->slug) }}


The only thing that comes to mind so far is to send all additional fields and all related fields with values ​​to the form, then compare and fill in. But there must be a better way!? :)

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1 answer(s)
Vladislav Nagorny, 2018-03-07

In laravel's
dock The output is simpleforeach $blog->fields as item

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