MrLisovich2019-02-25 12:18:20
MrLisovich, 2019-02-25 12:18:20

How to open a specific slick carousel slide in a modal window?

There is a Slick carousel, it has three slides, and a modal in which it opens. When you open a modal window, the carousel is on the first slide by default. How to make it so that when you click on the link that opens the modal, the carousel itself opens on the slide I need, for example - No. 002?
The answer to this question would make my life much easier, knowledgeable people, respond ...
Maybe you can use another tool where the implementation will be much simpler? Or look for a completely different approach to the implementation of this task?
Example on CodePen

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1 answer(s)
Michail Vasiliev, 2019-02-25

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