TemaKam2021-04-03 17:16:05
TemaKam, 2021-04-03 17:16:05

How to NOT interrupt trigger execution after RAISE statement? Or how else to display the message?

I use an INSTEAD OF row-level trigger, the field of each row is checked, and if it does not match the condition, then you need to display a message, but do not interrupt the trigger and do not roll back the transaction.
Can this be done with RAISE at all?
Or do I need to display messages differently in this case?

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2 answer(s)
galaxy, 2021-04-03

RAISE NOTICEwhat does not work?

freeExec, 2021-04-03

No way. Just as it is impossible not to terminate the program, but only to send the exit code from the program.

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