nepster-web2022-02-13 02:50:10
nepster-web, 2022-02-13 02:50:10

How to normalize coordinates for ElasticSearch?

When indexing data, ElasticSearch spits out an error:

{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"illegal latitude value [129.77067] for coordinates"}}

He doesn't like data with coordinates like this:
"longitude" => "62.09325"
  "latitude" => "129.77067"

Coordinates exist: Yakutsk Airport: Tiganos: 62.09325°N 129.77067°

Please tell me how to feed such coordinates to elastic?

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1 answer(s)
chupasaurus, 2022-02-13

You confuse latitude and longitude, latitude modulo is not more than 90 °. And yes, the default coordinate pair is (latitude, longitude) .

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