ESP2017-01-13 17:18:36
ESP, 2017-01-13 17:18:36

How to mount a non-system drive encrypted with truecrypt/veracrypt before logging into a Windows account?

Available: SSD with system and HDD with everything else. Windows user profiles moved to HDD.
I want to: encrypt the HDD completely using truecrypt / veracrypt. But the question arises, how to mount and decrypt the disk before entering the account?
Tried writing a script:

CD "C:\Program Files\VeraCrypt"
VeraCrypt.exe /volume \\?\Volume{b271efba-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-000c2980f7d9}\ /letter D /q

And assign its execution through group policies:
- User configuration - conf. Windows - scripts - startup: works out and asks for a password, but AFTER entering the account for which a temporary profile is being created.
- Computer configuration - conf. Windows - scripts - autoload: I guess that's what I need, but nothing happens. Before login, I don't get prompted for a password.
I tried to slip the launch of the script into the task scheduler and a trigger to turn on the computer. Did not work.
How to get out?

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2 answer(s)
Mikhail Miroshnichenko, 2017-01-14

What you want to do is implemented in the built-in Bitlocker utility - https://hetmanrecovery.com/en/recovery_news/how-to...

Alex, 2017-05-18

I am using Rohos Disk Encryption. there this is implemented when connecting a ruToken USB key with a default PIN code of 0123456789. Before entering a password in Windows logon, I insert ruToken. I enter the system and My Documents , My Pictures, Downloads are already linked from the container...

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