mrstorm52015-12-17 10:40:00
mrstorm5, 2015-12-17 10:40:00

How to merge two different hard drives on Debian?

Good afternoon.
There is Debian and a build for the OpenMediaVault media server. All this is installed on the netbook and twisted on the net.
The netbook has a 200 GB sata hard drive. 10 GB of this is given to the system, the rest - for media trash. But the volume is small, I want to increase. I ordered a USB-SATA adapter, I want to connect a sata hard drive from a stationary PC. Is it possible to somehow merge the second part of the netbook hard drive and the newly connected hard drive via USB? Data can be erased...

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1 answer(s)
lovecraft, 2015-12-21

Better cascade-mounted FS, some kind of aufs, etc. On Habré, even the article was habrahabr.ru/post/98742
In this case, if the second disk is accidentally disconnected, only those files that were on it, and not lvm-, will be lost for the system whole volume

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