Vladimir2020-09-13 08:08:41
Adobe Photoshop
Vladimir, 2020-09-13 08:08:41

How to merge many photos into one picture?

There are - about 2000 photos
The task is to glue them into one to get something like this, it is also desirable that they be signed (with the file name of each photo) ( www.gigapan.com/gigapans/f980176c24565aa151dbaa31e... )

What program can this be do?

Thanks in advance!

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3 answer(s)
alexalexes, 2020-09-13

The most budget version of the collage using the browser.
1. Copy this code and save it in index.html file;
2. Create a photo directory next to the index.html file and drop the already numbered photos there.
3. Correct the parameters:
a) In the "table tr td img" selector, set the width and height - the size of one thumbnail in the collage.
b) Specify photo_count - the number of photos in the photo directory.
c) Specify col_count - the number of photos in one row of the collage.
d) Specify start_pic_number - from what number the photo numbering starts.
e) Specify filename_counter_size - the numbering dimension of the photos, if it is 01, 02, 03 - then the dimension is 2,
if, for example, 00001, 00002, 00003, then the dimension is 5.
f) Set the principle of forming the file name in filename.
If your extension is not jpg, but for example png, then the line will look like this:
var filename = filename_counter + '.png';
If the file name contains some constant characters, except for the counter, for example, they are named DSC_0001.JPG, then the file name will be formed as follows:
var filename = 'DSC_' + filename_counter + '.JPG';
The file name is case sensitive!
g) Correct the path to the file relative to the index.html page, if necessary.
var filepath = 'photo/' + filename;
The 'photo/' fragment specifies a directory with photos.
You should avoid naming the catalog and photos in Cyrillic.
4. Open index.html in a browser.
5. If there are a lot of files, then wait for the page to open. Depends on the performance of the computer, free RAM.
6. If everything is in order, then the thumbnails will be displayed. This means that the path is set correctly for the photos and the photos are numbered correctly and the computer has enough resources to display the collage.
7. Taking a screenshot of the entire page:
Instructions for the Google Chrome browser.
Ctrl+Shift+I - enter developer mode.
Ctrl + Shift + M - click on the button for emulating viewing on mobile devices in it.
Click on the menu button in the emulation window (see the top right corner of the page) and select the "Capture full size screenshot" item.
After some time, the browser will "download" a certain image file.
This will be the final result - a collage.

      html, body
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        border: none;
      table tr td img
        width: 400px;
        height: 300px;
      table tr td p
        font-size: 10pt;
        text-align: center;
        margin-top: 0;
        margin-bottom: 0;
   <table id="container">
      function gen_collage()
        var photo_count = 10; // кол-во фото в каталоге (нужно задать)
        var col_count = 5; // кол-во фото в одной строке коллажа (нужно задать)
        var row_count = photo_count / col_count + (photo_count % col_count > 0 ? 1 : 0); // вычисляем, сколько строк для генерации коллажа потребуется
        var start_pic_number = 1; // индекс первой фотки коллажа (если файлы начинаются, например, с 01.jpg, то нужно поставить 1)
        var filename_counter_size = 2; // размер счетчика с ведущими нулями, если поставить 2, то будет генерировать 01, 02, 03 и тд.
        var cur_pic_number = start_pic_number; // номер текущей фотки
        var table_inner = ''; // содержимое таблицы коллажа
        for(var i = 0; i < row_count; i++)
          var row_pictures_inner = '<tr>'; // строка коллажа
          for(var j = 0; j < col_count; j++)
            row_pictures_inner += '<td>'; // ячейка коллажа
            if(cur_pic_number - start_pic_number < photo_count)
              var filename_counter = ('000000000' + cur_pic_number).substr(-filename_counter_size); // счетчик с ведущими нулями
              var filename = filename_counter + '.jpg'; // имя файла на основе счетчика (сейчас генерирует 01.jpg, 02.jpg и тд.)
              var filepath = 'photo/' + filename; // путь к файлу (сейчас задан относительный путь, файлы нужно поместить в каталог photo, index.html должен лежать рядом с каталогом photo)
              row_pictures_inner += '<div><img src="' + filepath + '"/><p>' + filename + '</p></div>'; // содержимое ячейки коллажа
            row_pictures_inner += '</td>';
          row_pictures_inner += '</tr>';
          table_inner += row_pictures_inner;
        document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = table_inner;

Danny Arty, 2020-09-13

You can use Imagemagick , a cross-platform and open-source graphics software suite.
To create a collage, montage is used - here is the documentation and here is a little in Russian

ThunderCat, 2020-09-13

ACDSee knows how to do such things with sparks. True through print, but this is not a problem, for example, print in PDF or in the universal document converter.

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