Ivan2018-04-12 19:00:25
Ivan, 2018-04-12 19:00:25

How to merge disks on Linux?

Here is such a situation. There is a VPS on Digital Ocean. A volume is attached to it, tobish Volume for 100 GB.
The VPS runs a web server. How to make the entire disk space available to him?
It is necessary to somehow combine the disks in general. Or tell me how to do it differently.

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3 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2018-04-12

mounts the volume on the system and use. I don't see a problem. Specify the question.

Wexter, 2018-04-12

1) Reinstall the OS and during installation create an LVM volume, where you throw disks and put the system on it
2) Mount where you need the disk, use

Boris Syomov, 2018-04-12

A volume on a DO is a connected block device. It can be formatted to some kind of ext4 or xfs, and mounted as a folder inside your webroot, for example, where you need to save a lot of things.
Or even transfer the entire site / sites to it, leaving the main disk to the system and database, for example.
It is the union of volumes, with it, in one file system that is quite confusing - you can use UnionFS | Aufs, but most often this is not necessary, and you can just mount it to the desired directory.

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