Stepan Yudin2017-02-22 18:49:23
Stepan Yudin, 2017-02-22 18:49:23

How to merge a hotfix in such a situation?

The situation is ripe:
A bug has been found in production. We created a hotfix branch, and in some places added, for example, a call to the SomeClass::someMethod() method. We complete the hotfix and it is merged into the master and develop branches.
BUT! While the hotfix was being written, a feature branch was merged into the development branch, in which the SomeClass::someMethod() method was renamed to SomeClass::someMethodRenamed().
As a result, everything turns out - in the master branch everything is OK, and in the development branch there will be a call to a non-existent method (added in a hotfix).
What is the best practice for such cases? Thanks to.

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1 answer(s)
Fat Lorrie, 2017-02-22

When a hotfix is ​​merged, there will be a conflict that will be sorted out by a person, he will compare the commits and rename them.
A good practice is to keep the common develop in feature branches more often so that such things come up as soon as possible.

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