Johnny Depp2019-04-16 13:18:16
Johnny Depp, 2019-04-16 13:18:16

How to make your own stickers for Facebook messenger?

If with telegram everything is easy and quite understandable and clear, and in vk it’s just a matter of several million rubles, then with Facebook it’s not entirely clear .. Maybe someone knows how or was the experience of launching branded stickers on FB? Please share how.
Only without hacks a la the Stickered for Messenger photo editor where you put your sticker on, save it and then post the content on Facebook. You just need to post your sticker pack on Facebook so that everyone can use it.

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1 answer(s)
joc, 2020-04-01

Found the following information - https://www.facebook.com/help/community/question/?...
FB cooperates with teams and designers and stickers are apparently created jointly. PS Did you end up making stickers or did you find the people who made them?

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