hriston2021-06-03 18:35:32
hriston, 2021-06-03 18:35:32

How to make user ids work in sqlite3?

Hello. I wanted to make a coin system in my bot. When people sit in a voice chat, they should receive 3 coins per 1 minute, but when I get IDs and use them, it says that such a column does not exist, although in fact it does. Please help if anyone knows what is wrong. I already have id and cash columns.

As for the fact that the accrual is when the microphone is turned on and off, then I'm just for the test.

async def on_voice_state_update(member: discord.Member, before, after, amount = None):
    #voice_channel = discord.utils.get(member.guild.channels, id=after.channel.id)
    if not after.channel:
    # на случай если человек вышел из канала
    channel = client.get_channel(847143290054246415)
    #channel2 = client.get_channel(847143290054246416)
    members = channel.members
    #members2 = channel2.members
    memids = []
    for member in members:
    if len(after.channel.members) > 1:
        if after.mute or after.self_mute:
            cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET cash = cash + 3 WHERE id = {}".format(member.id))	

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