Dimon3x2019-02-15 21:28:47
Dimon3x, 2019-02-15 21:28:47

How to make uLogin friends with Laravel?

Added an exception

protected $except = [

Still displays the message
Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ MethodNotAllowedHttpException
No message

<script src="//ulogin.ru/js/ulogin.js"></script>
                <div style="margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 10px;" id="uLogin" data-ulogin="display=panel;theme=classic;fields=first_name,last_name;providers=vkontakte,mailru,facebook,google,yandex;redirect_uri=http://bulma;mobilebuttons=0;"></div>

Tried shutdowns for everything, didn't help either.
protected $except = [

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