anton_myaso2021-06-19 23:01:22
anton_myaso, 2021-06-19 23:01:22

How to make SQL query from multiple tables?

help to make request:
There are 2 tables: users, orders.
users: id, name, s_name, email
orders: product_name, product_id, user_id
Select: Name, S_name, email ('users') by user_id and matching product_id (orders)

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2 answer(s)
Slava Rozhnev, 2021-06-20

You can use the WHERE ... EXISTS (SELECT ...)

select name, s_name, email
from users
where users.id = 1 and exists (
  select 1 from orders where user_id = users.id and product_id = 2

select distinct name, s_name, email
from users
join orders on orders.user_id = users.id
where users.id = 1 and product_id = 2;

MySQL playground

Developer, 2021-06-19

there is a JOIN ... ON for that

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