Sector5672020-02-25 12:16:07
Sector567, 2020-02-25 12:16:07

How to make reactivity in Vue js?

Code: https://codepen.io/Gabar/pen/vYOgvVp
The essence of the code is as follows:
- we poke on the blue plus sign - the input is rendered where we can enter the "guest name", after that this field is displayed in the table below
- we poke twice on the title added input and the field is deleted

In HTML, on line 14, the entry of "Guest name" is implemented using @input=""
In HTML, on line 15, the same thing is implemented, but with v-model=""

But in case of deletion, there is a problem with the first method - in the final table, the deletion occurs correctly, but
confusion arises in the inputs themselves, here the inputs are always deleted from the end.

- I'm trying to delete an input with the title Guest 2 and value 2 by clicking on the title 2 times
- We see that there really is no TWO in the table (there are only 1 and 3), that is, the deletion happened correctly, but the inputs themselves are not displayed correctly, namely Guest 2 did not disappear, but instead Guest 3 disappeared

Why did this happen and how can I fix it?
PS if instead of @input="" on line 14 you use v-model="" from line 15, then everything will work correctly.

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1 answer(s)
Daniil Popov, 2020-02-25

So you do not bind the input values, so they are not substituted. That's how it all works.

<input type="text" class="form-control" @input="onInput(index, $event)"  :value="guests[index]">

What's the problem with v-model? Why not through it?
This happened because vue minimizes changes to the DOM, and you did not specify in any way that you need this particular field. Decisions 2: either, as I indicated above, set a value for the field, or use unique keys

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