nemisqe2017-09-26 23:10:36
nemisqe, 2017-09-26 23:10:36

How to make PHP code activated when clicked?

In general, I want to make it so that when clicking on an element, the user is redirected to another page if he is not registered on the site. How can this be done with Javascript and PHP? In PHP I'm going to use the header('location: sign_in.php') function.

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2 answer(s)
Oleg, 2017-09-26

nemisqe , As already written, do it in pure js.

let cookies = document.cookie;
document.location.href = 'http://yandex.ru';

In general, learn! https://learn.javascript.ru/cookies

Adamos, 2017-09-26

Javascript itself is able to send the user to another page.
For example, not finding session cookies.

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