Maxim Volkov2021-12-01 09:49:11
nested set
Maxim Volkov, 2021-12-01 09:49:11

How to make menu items of Nested Set nested categories active?

On the website of an online store, a tree of product categories is built using the kalnoy/nestedset library .

Catalog menu displays only categories of the first level of nesting. Request in View Composers:

View::composer(['front.layouts.footer', 'front.layouts.menu_left'], function($view) {
            $view->with(['menu' => Category::where()->select('name', 'slug')->orderBy('sort')->get()]);

  • How to make active menu items of the first parent product category if a child, nested category is open, for example, the 3rd nesting level?
  • What approaches exist to solve this problem?

I would be grateful for any idea or advice on how to solve the problem.

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2021-12-01

Well, the nested set is just perfect for this task - you check that the current open category lies within the boundaries of the parent one, and that's it. It's not very clear what the problem is.

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