Chvalov2016-04-16 04:35:25
Chvalov, 2016-04-16 04:35:25

How to make Junit work normally (log4j swears)?

An error occurs when running tests:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.j256.ormlite.db.SqliteDatabaseType).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

How to overcome it?
What I did wrong, in principle, did everything following the example of SQLite ORM , in his project everything displays normally, there are no warnings.
But there is not a word about log4j in his project either.

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1 answer(s)
Chvalov, 2016-04-16

You need to connect everything as it says in the book) - https://maven.apache.org/pom.html
I don’t know why, but as soon as I connect everything in Project Structure -> Libraries -> From maven, then the dependencies are not initialized correctly, I tried the last 3 versions and the old ormlite 4.35, it only worked on 4.35.
I created a pom.xml file and rewrote all the dependencies into it and everything works like clockwork.

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