Mark Eshkilev2021-02-18 22:33:37
Mark Eshkilev, 2021-02-18 22:33:37

How to make GMOD server monitoring in php?

Hello, how can I make Gmod server monitoring in php so that it displays how many players are on the server, is the server turned on, and what map?

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2 answer(s)
Valery Chmykh, 2021-02-19



function getSourceServerInfo(string $ip, string $port): array
    $info = [
        'status' => 0,
        'ip' => $ip,
        'port' => $port

    $socket = @fsockopen("udp://{$ip}", $port, $errno, $errstr, 1);

    if (!$socket) {
        return $info;

    stream_set_timeout($socket, 1);
    stream_set_blocking($socket, true);

    fwrite($socket, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x54Source Engine Query\x00");
    $packet = fread($socket, 4096);

    if (!$packet) {
        return $info;

    if (substr($packet, 4, 1) != "I") {
        exit("NOT A SOURCE SERVER");

    $packet_array = explode("\x00", substr($packet, 6), 5);
    $info['name'] = $packet_array[0];
    $info['map'] = $packet_array[1];
    $info['game'] = $packet_array[2];
    $info['description'] = $packet_array[3];
    $packet = $packet_array[4];
    $info['players'] = ord(substr($packet, 2, 1));
    $info['playersmax'] = ord(substr($packet, 3, 1));
    $info['bots'] = ord(substr($packet, 4, 1));
    $info['status'] = 1;
    $info['vac'] = ord(substr($packet, 8, 1));

    return $info;

$query = getSourceServerInfo("", '27016');
echo '<pre>';
echo print_r($query, 1);
echo '</pre>';

    [status] => 1
    [ip] =>
    [port] => 27016
    [name] => PuschiRP [Bitmining] [Printer] [Custom]
    [map] => rp_downtown_tits_v2
    [game] => garrysmod
    [description] => DarkRP
    [players] => 12
    [playersmax] => 32
    [bots] => 0
    [vac] => 1

Sergey Romanenko, 2021-02-18

it's probably necessary to write this here https://freelance.habr.com/tasks

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