skvoshiz2017-03-28 19:11:01
skvoshiz, 2017-03-28 19:11:01

How to make DataGrid.DataContext binding without freezing UI thread (C# WPF .NET 4.5)?

Greetings to all, maybe someone has encountered such a problem, because I can’t solve it =( I did
everything according to the instructions: https://metanit.com/sharp/wpf/21.1.php
I do not bind data to a ListBox, as in the example, and to the DataGrid:

DataGridMark.DataContext = db.AccountsMark.Local.ToBindingList();

And at this moment I have a UI freeze.
And with further changes, like:
await db.SaveChangesAsync();

I get UI freeze too.
As I understand it, this is due to the fact that the binding is not done asynchronously.
How to bind asynchronously, or what to do so that there are no UI freezes when changes occur in db.AccountsMark

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1 answer(s)
Roman, 2017-03-29

I recommend reading about MVVM, then you will understand how to make bindings correctly.

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