Grand Silence2014-08-29 01:17:39
C++ / C#
Grand Silence, 2014-08-29 01:17:39

How to make correct sorting of datagridView column in C#?

Good day, friends. Faced such problem: sorting of a column in dataGridView goes by the principle of string sorting. My dataGridVew is passed a table from the database, with certain columns (`order_id` = 1..100 -> int++, `order_total` = "****.00" -> string). So, how to sort so that the string `order_total` is first converted to a float, and then sorted numerically?
Thanks for any helpful replies. Thank you. PS: if I expressed myself vaguely, I will explain in more detail in the comments.

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1 answer(s)
Eugene, 2014-08-29

DataGridView.Sort Method (IComparer)
Make your own sorter that implements the IComparer interface and substitute it into the Sort() method;

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