herypank2022-04-18 18:36:55
herypank, 2022-04-18 18:36:55

How to make celery retry through passing arguments?

I have a task to run celery tasks with different retry arguments, who can tell me how this can be implemented?

Here is a sample of the code to test:

from celery import Celery

app = Celery('tasks', broker='amqp://[email protected]//')

import celery

class RetryCeleryWorker(celery.Task):
    autoretry_for = (Exception,)
    retry_backoff = True
    retry_backoff_max = 700
    retry_jitter = False

def add():
    print('add starting')
    print('add finish')

I found such a solution, but it does not work


I want the task to start like this

from tasks import add, app, RetryCeleryWorker

add.apply_async(retry=True, retry_policy={
    'max_retries': 5,

but for some reason max_retries and other arguments do not get into celery or are not read.

The idea is that if I pass something, then it is applied as in the celery attributes, and if I do not pass, then the default ones are used in the

upd class. found this, it looks like you need to write your own crutch https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/2457

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