Weltmeister2018-01-05 20:32:58
Weltmeister, 2018-01-05 20:32:58

How to make autorotation (autoplay) of slides in a simple Bitrix slider?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
The question is this: there is a simple slider on the main site on 1C-Bitrix, implemented through the "News List" component (news.list). Slides are switched manually, everything works. But how to make it scroll automatically?
I don't see the autoplay parameter anywhere.
Component template code:

<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();
/** @var array $arParams */
/** @var array $arResult */
/** @global CMain $APPLICATION */
/** @global CUser $USER */
/** @global CDatabase $DB */
/** @var CBitrixComponentTemplate $this */
/** @var string $templateName */
/** @var string $templateFile */
/** @var string $templateFolder */
/** @var string $componentPath */
/** @var CBitrixComponent $component */
if (count($arResult["ITEMS"]) == 0 ) {
<div class="big-slider">
    foreach ($arResult["ITEMS"] as $arItem) {
        $this->AddEditAction($arItem['ID'], $arItem['EDIT_LINK'], CIBlock::GetArrayByID($arItem["IBLOCK_ID"], "ELEMENT_EDIT"));
        $this->AddDeleteAction($arItem['ID'], $arItem['DELETE_LINK'], CIBlock::GetArrayByID($arItem["IBLOCK_ID"], "ELEMENT_DELETE"), array("CONFIRM" => GetMessage('CT_BNL_ELEMENT_DELETE_CONFIRM')));
    if (is_array($arItem["DISPLAY_PROPERTIES"]['REAL_PICTURE']['FILE_VALUE'])) {
            $arImg = array(
                'src' => $arItem["DISPLAY_PROPERTIES"]['REAL_PICTURE']['FILE_VALUE']["SRC"],
                'width' => $arItem["DISPLAY_PROPERTIES"]['REAL_PICTURE']['FILE_VALUE']["WIDTH"],
                'height' => $arItem["DISPLAY_PROPERTIES"]['REAL_PICTURE']['FILE_VALUE']["HEIGHT"],
        } elseif(is_array($arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE"])) {
            $arImg = array(
                'src' => $arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]["SRC"],
                'width' => $arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]["WIDTH"],
                'height' => $arItem["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]["HEIGHT"],
        } else {
        <div id="<?=$this->GetEditAreaId($arItem['ID']);?>" class="slider-item" <?=(!empty($arImg) ? 'style="background-image: url('.$arImg['src'].');"' : '')?>>
            <div class="slider-item-text">
                <? if (($arItem["PREVIEW_TEXT"] && $arParams["DISPLAY_PREVIEW_TEXT"] != "N") || ($arItem["DETAIL_TEXT"])) { ?>
                    <? if (!empty($arItem["PROPERTIES"]["LINK"]["VALUE"])) { ?>
            <a tabindex="-1" href="<?= $arItem["PROPERTIES"]["LINK"]["VALUE"] ?>">
          <? } ?>
          <? if ($arParams["DISPLAY_PREVIEW_TEXT"] != "N" && !empty($arItem["PREVIEW_TEXT"])) {
                        echo $arItem["PREVIEW_TEXT"];
                    } elseif (!empty($arItem["DETAIL_TEXT"])) {
                        echo $arItem["DETAIL_TEXT"];
                    } else {
                        echo $arItem["NAME"];
                    } ?>
          <? if (!empty($arItem["PROPERTIES"]["LINK"]["VALUE"])) { ?>
          <? } ?>
                <? } ?>
                <div class="big-slider-nav"></div>
            </div> <!-- .slider-item-text -->
        </div> <!-- .slider-item -->
    <? } ?>
</div> <!-- .big-slider -->

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1 answer(s)
Eugene, 2018-01-07

You showed the news.list component, but didn't tell us what kind of slider plugin you have and how it is connected.
news.list itself is just a list of items, it's not a slider. It simply shows all the elements that are told to it, and the script turns the whole thing into a slider.
I think you need to figure out what kind of plugin you have, whether it has autoplay at all, and if so, how it is activated when connected.

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