Alexander Medvedev2017-05-28 03:10:02
Alexander Medvedev, 2017-05-28 03:10:02

How to make ajax loading from a block in the same document?

The task is to make an Ajax menu on one of the sections of the site under the control of MODX Revo. Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with ajax. At the moment everything works like this

        var id = $(this).attr('id');
                type: "POST",
                url: "ajaxitems.html",
                data: ({findres:id}),
                success: function(content){

I would like the resources to be loaded not from a separate ajaxitems.html page (in this case), but from a specific block on the same page.

ps I display resources using this snippet

the snippet itself
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') {
   $data = $_POST;

   $params = array(
        'parents' => $data['findres'],
        'limit' => $limit,
        'tpl' => $tpl,
        'includeTVs' => $includeTVs,
        'hideContainers' => $hideContainers,
        'sortby' => $sortby
    $output = $modx->runSnippet('pdoResources', $params);
    return  $output;

I would be very grateful if you point out flaws in the code, since I am also badly familiar with php (

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2 answer(s)
Oleg Spiridonov, 2017-06-01

Send a request to the same page, and instead of $(".ordersItems").html(content); output $(".ordersItems").html($(content).filter("#result_block")); where result_block is the id of the element containing the information you are interested in.

DarWiM, 2017-06-01

Perhaps AjaxSnippet will help you

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