Foraho2020-11-21 11:18:53
C++ / C#
Foraho, 2020-11-21 11:18:53

How to make a simulated keypress with C#?

Please tell me how to implement imitation of keystrokes using C #, as if the user himself pressed this key

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-11-21

Look towards winapi sendMessage and others. There is a limitation though, you can only send Messages to a window in your station .

BasiC2k, 2020-11-21

Use WinAPI
Public Sub keybd_event(bVk As Keys, bScan As Byte, dwFlags As UInt32, dwExtraInfo As IntPtr)
End Sub
(This is a VB.NET declaration, look for examples)

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