Max Makarov2019-01-30 20:53:17
Max Makarov, 2019-01-30 20:53:17

How to make a search in a PDF file that is not searchable?

Good day, I encountered such a problem that the PDF file does not behave like a regular PDF, that is, it is not possible to change the font, do a search inside the PDF, etc. how to solve this problem, please tell me who knows, to see what is at stake, you can follow this link https://dropmefiles.com/pXB7R

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3 answer(s)
Alexander, 2019-01-30

run it through the recognition program.

Oleg, 2019-01-31

Your case is still simple. Worse when the text is a picture.
An embeddable font is a font that is packaged as a resource in a PDF file. Embedding ensures that PDF text looks the same wherever it is displayed or viewed, but it increases the file size of the document. It makes no sense to pack a full font into a PDF document if several characters are actually used from it. Also, to reduce the size of the document, a single-byte encoding was used instead of UTF-8.

100torsherov, 2020-12-18

In order to be able to search for text in a PDF file, you need to add a text layer. Then it will be possible to search for the text, for example by Ctrl+F.
There are various programs that recognize text and convert a regular PDF file into a PDF with a text layer. There are also online services, for example https://jpg2pdf.ru/ru/pdf_ocr

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