LAVladis2020-05-25 15:28:39
LAVladis, 2020-05-25 15:28:39

How to make a redirect in wordpress?

Good afternoon! Please tell me how to make a redirect on wordpress. I have a main page, let it be called like this https://my site.com/katalog/, I need to do this, when the user enters the address of the main page, it redirects to the product page https://my site.com/katalog/ gmp-model-2-encapsulator-2/

What needs to be written in htacces to make this function work, I tried plugins, and looked at examples on the Internet, nothing helped. Thanks for your help in advance.

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2 answer(s)
ReActor Dmitry Vershansky, 2020-05-25

Alternatively, use a meta redirect (in the head section):

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=https://мой сайт.com/katalog/gmp-model-2-encapsulator-2/">

Alexey, 2020-05-25

Read the Wordpress documentation - the correct redirect is clearly spelled out there.
In the file /mysite.com/index.php
in the function require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/katalog/gmp-model-2-encapsulator-2/page.php' ); enter the path to the page. Everything. I dare to suggest a file - wp-blog-header.php
you can try in .htaccess:
Redirect 301 /katalog/ https://my site.com/katalog/gmp-model-2-encapsulator-2/
but it's more correct to redirect using Wordpress

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