Nikita Ivanov2014-05-02 21:55:08
Nikita Ivanov, 2014-05-02 21:55:08

How to make a pool multi-currency?

There is a ready-made pool on the VPS, implemented through litecoind+stratum+mpos-php,
how to make it multicurrency?
to have not only litecoin, but also other currencies?
I heard about pools that change the currency, depending on the benefits of its mining, how to implement this?
maybe there are some guides?
maybe someone did this?
maybe there are people who are willing to do this for a fee?

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1 answer(s)
Stepan, 2014-05-02

Each start needs to be configured in its own way.
For example, for litecoin you now have litecoind+stratum+mpos-php
For btc, for example, you need bitcoind+...
That is, there is no template, everything is configured on separate ports. And I think clearly not on one VPS.
Changing the currency that is profitable to mine is a completely different story. Firstly, this can only be done on cryptocurrencies that are built on the same algorithms and are mined in the same way.
I think to solve your problem and study in more detail, you need to go to specialized forums.

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