Artemio952021-06-26 17:39:48
Artemio95, 2021-06-26 17:39:48

How to make a payment through Alfa Bank?

How to technically (approximately) implement the following functionality: 1) a user buys a course on the site 2) only after the purchase a generated password is sent to his mail 3) only when he has bought, an object is formed with his mail and the id of the purchased course

In general, I can imagine how to do this , but maybe someone has already implemented something similar and share best practice. Those. the only concern is the question of how to track the completed purchase if a person buys already on the payment gateway of Alfa Bank. Like, when you try to pay, save the mail and course id, and then, if you paid (after paying, return to the site), then send the password to this mail, or can this be done easier?

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2 answer(s)
GavriKos, 2021-06-26

The most correct thing is to read the manual for the SDK of the payment system and not invent the wheel. Usually everything is written there about callbacks, and about validation, and so on.

DollyPapper, 2021-06-26

This acquiring API method is right for you. You pull this endpoint, as soon as you receive a response that the payment has passed, send it the necessary data. What do you have there - password, course id, etc.

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