Dmitry2018-12-29 13:43:36
Dmitry, 2018-12-29 13:43:36

How to make a map in an Android application?

Hello everyone,
I'm making a small android game. One of the screens in the game should be a map of the fictional world. The map will be simple at first, but over time it can become more complicated.
Get complicated in the direction of dynamics. That is, for example, the data for the card could be requested from somewhere.
I want to immediately note that my experience in programming for Android is minimal.
What immediately came to my mind:

  1. Build a map using VectorDrawable
  2. Draw a map on the server and give tiles (which means that the server needs some kind of library that can create Tiled images)
  3. Somehow use the Google Maps API and screw your Tiled Layer there.

Tell me what else you can see?
Thank you.

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3 answer(s)
Alexander, 2018-12-29

You can show any map in a webview on a JS engine such as OpenLayers, of course there may be libraries for Java - but they are unlikely to be free and have all the functionality.

grinat, 2018-12-29

I do not recommend contacting the cards, there will be a lot of hemorrhoids. WebView is also a gem. Sobsno sho prevents just a picture in png shove (which, by the way, tiles are), the user taps on the picture, you determine the position, and what you do, or put transparent buttons on top of the card.

Oleg, 2018-12-29

point 3 https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/a...

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