cyxarick2020-09-08 13:07:37
cyxarick, 2020-09-08 13:07:37

How to make a kick command in VK api?

I need to make a kick command for a bot in VK. You can throw off a piece of code, which shows how this is all done, I have already read the documentation. The command should work like this: /kick id.

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1 answer(s)
WolfInChains, 2020-09-08

by reply to a message

if event.object.text == "кик":
    vk.method("messages.removeChatUser", {
      "chat_id": event.object.peer_id - 2000000000,
      "member_id": event.obj.reply_message['from_id']})

by mention/link
def get_user(pattern: str) -> int:
    if "[id" in pattern:
        return int(pattern.split("|")[0].replace("[id", ""))
    if "vk.com/" in pattern:
        domen = pattern.split("/")[-1]
        return vk.method("users.get", {"user_ids": domen})[0]["id"]

text = event.obj["text"].split(' ')
if (len(text) == 2) and text[0] == "кик":
    vk.method("messages.removeChatUser", {"chat_id": event.chat_id, "member_id": get_user(text[1])})

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