2pa2018-01-28 20:29:17
C++ / C#
2pa, 2018-01-28 20:29:17

How to make a groundCheck for a mobile 3D game and its character controller?

Hi, I tried to check the speed and combine it with the speed with raycast everywhere there is a bool variable hanging, can anyone have a checked piece of code to check (on the ground or not), please share. I almost won in writing my own controller, all that remains is this and animation
Video of the controller itself

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1 answer(s)
GavriKos, 2018-01-28

there is a hanging bool variable

Shtaaa? Variable hanging? What is it like?
In fact: either raycast down, or the intersection of colliders (for example, the character and the ground) are the fastest ways to implement.

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