Sanders Rocket2020-10-17 19:30:40
C++ / C#
Sanders Rocket, 2020-10-17 19:30:40

How to make a get request in c++?

void addinfo(const char* server, const char* nick, const std::string date)
  char iUrlChar[4096]; wchar_t* iUrl = new wchar_t[4096]; IStream* pStream = NULL;
  sprintf_s(iUrlChar, "link");
  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, iUrlChar, -1, iUrl, 4096);
  URLOpenBlockingStreamW(0, iUrl, &pStream, 0, 0);

did this, but even slowly, and sometimes does not have time to work at all, how to fix it?

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Ananiev, 2020-10-17


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