Arthur2019-08-30 16:56:52
Arthur, 2019-08-30 16:56:52

How to make a function that returns the value received from https.request?

Tell me, please, to a person who is used to synchronous code, how to return a value in JS?
There is an algorithm in which I go over the users and call a certain method on them:

async function checkAll() {
  for (let i in users) {
    if (users[i].check()) {
      users[i].checked = true
      await users[i].save()

Here is the check method which is called
Schema.methods.check = async function () {
  const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
    res.on('data', (d) => {
      // Как тут сделать return для родительского метода?
  req.on('error', (e) => {

Inside the users[i].check() method, I need to make a request to an external address, wait for it to complete, and return the result. In the dock, I see only how to hang up a function on the event.
It comes to mind only as an argument to pass a function to the check() method that does what I need, but something tells me that there is some more convenient method (like the await construct, which waits for the result).

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1 answer(s)
ivandao, 2019-08-30


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