valexeich2022-02-03 23:10:11
valexeich, 2022-02-03 23:10:11

How to make a frontend on DRF?

In normal django, you output data to the template using the context, for example, but how to output the necessary data to the template when using DRF? I’m watching videos about DRF and they receive data in json, but I didn’t find how to bring it to the front, so how do I do it?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2022-02-03

No way, Django is a backend.

kvarel, 2022-02-09

DRF has the concept of a renderer.
JSONRenderer generates a json response
BrowsableAPIRenderer generates a page on which we see the response display.
You should be interested in the TemplateHTMLRenderer. Read about him

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