raycheel2014-05-19 20:35:15
raycheel, 2014-05-19 20:35:15

How to make a framework with architecture like in Yii?

Hello. Please explain how to make a framework similar to yii, I'm interested in the component structure, access point Yii::app(); , and Active Record.

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3 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-05-19

spit on the principles of single responsibility and dependency inversion, slap singleton and voila! Oh yeah, and don't forget about one base class ala CObject or CComponent for everything in general that is in the framework (well, or in most of its parts).
But seriously, why? For learning purposes? If so, then maybe it makes sense to immediately read the literature on this topic? You will discover the most immediately.

Blumfontein, 2014-05-19

If you ask such questions, you can not even try, nothing good will come of it.

raycheel, 2014-05-19

What would you recommend to read? I want to make myself a small framework for my own needs, small orders and so on. Purely your own - more pleasant. :)

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