lexstile2017-09-21 10:58:49
lexstile, 2017-09-21 10:58:49

How to make a 404 error for news in Bitrix?

There is a physical section - NEWS.
In it we call the component:

    "ACTIVE_DATE_FORMAT" => "d.m.Y",
    "AJAX_MODE" => "Y",
    "AJAX_OPTION_JUMP" => "N",
    "CACHE_FILTER" => "N",
    "CACHE_GROUPS" => "Y",
    "CACHE_TIME" => "36000000",
    "CACHE_TYPE" => "A",
    "CHECK_DATES" => "Y",
    "DETAIL_URL" => "",
    "DISPLAY_DATE" => "N",
    "DISPLAY_NAME" => "Y",
    "FIELD_CODE" => array(
      0 => "ID",
      1 => "CODE",
      2 => "NAME",
      3 => "PREVIEW_TEXT",
      4 => "PREVIEW_PICTURE",
      5 => "",
    "FILTER_NAME" => "",
    "IBLOCK_ID" => "15",
    "IBLOCK_TYPE" => "custom",
    "MESSAGE_404" => "",
    "NEWS_COUNT" => "12",
    "PAGER_SHOW_ALL" => "N",
    "PAGER_TEMPLATE" => ".default",
    "PAGER_TITLE" => "Советы",
    "PARENT_SECTION" => "",
    "PROPERTY_CODE" => array(
      0 => "",
      1 => "",
    "SET_STATUS_404" => "Y",
    "SET_TITLE" => "Y",
    "SHOW_404" => "Y",
    "SORT_BY1" => "SORT",
    "SORT_BY2" => "ID",
    "SORT_ORDER1" => "DESC",
    "SORT_ORDER2" => "ASC",
    "COMPONENT_TEMPLATE" => "articles"

Should the SHOW_404 parameter not work when we enter the wrong url in the detailed description of the news?
If this does not help, then how to do it? (It is necessary instead of "element not found" to display a 404 error)
I read the posts, they say - you need to register a certain function in init.php and check in the component template ...
Only in this way? Regular methods do not solve the problem?
Bitrix version: 17.0.5

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Skibin, 2017-09-21

I read the posts, they say - you need to register a certain function in init.php

Yes, everything is simple
AddEventHandler('main', 'OnEpilog', '_Check404Error', 1); // Вешаем обработчик на окончание рендера
function _Check404Error() {
  if (((defined('ERROR_404') && ERROR_404 == 'Y') || preg_match('~404~ius', CHTTP::GetLastStatus())) && !defined('ADMIN_SECTION')) { // смотрим - пришел ли штатный define или в отправляемом статусе есть 404 - то закрываем буфферы и инклюдим 404 из корня сайта
    global $APPLICATION;
    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/header.php';
    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/404.php';
    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH . '/footer.php';

This option will work even if you just send http header 404 in the right component_epilog

Nikita, 2017-09-21

just the same, if the SHOW_404 == Y parameter and you entered the url incorrectly, then the 404.php page should be called (unless otherwise specified in the settings).
There are also Error document entries in htaccess.
From the question, the essence is not very clear to be honest.

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