vagitaku2019-05-22 12:53:15
vagitaku, 2019-05-22 12:53:15

How to loop through two arrays and find matches (and then change the color of the word)?

There are two arrays of words (left_text and right_text). It is necessary to sort out the first for matches in the second. And if there is a match, perform certain actions.

def compare():
    if win.left_textBrowser.toPlainText() != '' and win.right_textBrowser.toPlainText() != '':
        for x in left_text:
            print(str(x) + ' check')
            if x in right_text:
                print(str(x) + ' ok')
                win.left_textBrowser.setText(win.left_textBrowser.toPlainText() + green_text + str(x) + green_text_end)
                print(str(x) + ' no')
                win.right_textBrowser.setText(win.right_textBrowser.toPlainText() + str(x))

But the print I see is this:

...массив 'Были', 'подобранны', 'оптимальные', 'технологи', 'и', 'решения', 'для', 'данной', 'задачи.'] check
...массив 'Были', 'подобранны', 'оптимальные', 'технологи', 'и', 'решения', 'для', 'данной', 'задачи.'] ok

What am I doing wrong? In for, I seem to correctly take each word from the list, and in if I check for a match of this word in right_text. Further, if there are matches, green_text should be inserted before inserting the word and after green _text_end.
green_text = '<span style=\" font-size:8pt; font-weight:600; color:#00ff00;\" >'
green_text_end = '</span>'

But even though I load the same texts, the color does not change. I decided to see what was the matter, using print, and here it is. Something is wrong with the array sorting.

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2 answer(s)
kova1ev, 2019-05-22

did not quite understand what you are doing, but a list of matching elements of two lists can be found like this:
then, perhaps like this:

for x in result:
    win.left_textBrowser.setText(win.left_textBrowser.toPlainText() + green_text + str(x) + green_text_end)

Ruslan., 2019-05-22

Try to do print(left_text) maybe your left_text is not a list of strings, but a list with a nested list of strings.

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