Denny_Colt2017-08-03 08:21:58
Denny_Colt, 2017-08-03 08:21:58

How to log in to VK using the vk api library?

I tried everything I could find on the internet.

import vk

app_id, login, password = '6126300', 'login', 'password'
session = vk.AuthSession(app_id, login, password, scope='messages')
vk_api = vk.API(session, v='5.67')
vk_api.wall.post(message="hello world")

It used to be possible to do it like this, but now it doesn't work either.
session = vk.Session(access_token='793ac3c7c978d96f8ea1357747393bad78836ac813e7217baa5b37b3111c16b13514d41026f183fc0b359')
api = vk.API(session)
api.wall.post(message="Hello, world")

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4 answer(s)
Anatoly, 2017-08-03

Authorization is successful.
The error is that you are trying to write on the wall without certain permissions . In order to do this, you need to set permissions, wallor instead use a method that you have permissions to (based on the text of the question):api.wall.post(message="Hello, world")

api.messages.send(user_id=*любой_юзер*, message=*любое_сообщение*)

Konstantin Sazhenov, 2017-08-22

There is an error in the library
You can write in PM , I can throw off a similar library, which
1) Authentication is 2 times faster
2) It takes much less space
And authentication by a login-password pair works (there is no need to parse pages, as vk does)
A in general, you can make a request like " https://oauth.vk.com/token?grant_type=password&pas... <password>&username=<login>&client_secret=<application secret>〈=ru&libverify_support=1&client_id=&2fa_supported=1&scope=all "
It will return {"access_token": '', "expire_in": "<how long the token will expire>"}

Baron Grafovich, 2020-01-22

token = vk_api.VkApi(token = "")
vk = token.get_api()

vk.messages.send(user_id = "твой id", message = "Твой текст", random_id = 0)

To get a token you need to go to this site - https://vkhost.github.io/
and the login and password work only in certain cases, and they are limited!

deviur, 2020-02-10

In the second example, the v argument is missing.
Should be: Instead of: It goes without saying that when receiving an access_token , rights must be obtained
vk_api = vk.API(session, v='5.67')
api = vk.API(session)

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