driverx182017-09-24 22:47:04
driverx18, 2017-09-24 22:47:04

How to list a user's unread posts?

There is a table users
There is a table articles
After the user on the site goes to the news, it will automatically be as read. That is, there is a read_articles table.
Actually, its structure is:

id | article_id | user_id

How can I display to the user with id #2 (let's say) all his unread articles? Here I have one sketch (it displays those articles that have been read):
SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.text FROM articles INNER JOIN read_articles ON articles.id = read_articles.article_id WHERE read_articles.user_id = 2;

I thought, in order to display articles which are unread, it is necessary to put the sign not =, but != in that piece of code (well, that is, like this):
SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.text FROM articles INNER JOIN read_articles ON articles.id != read_articles.article_id WHERE read_articles.user_id = 2;

But for some reason, he displays all the records 3-4 times.
Actually, the question is how effective is how I do it now, and who can help display UNREAD articles? It seems to me that the way I did it is completely inefficient, wrong JOIN, and something like that

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2 answer(s)
Artem0071, 2017-09-24

In the second option, you have tables connected incorrectly, so there are problems.
There is a NOT IN
construct . Something like this:

SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.text FROM articles WHERE articles.id NOT IN ( SELECT articles.id FROM articles WHERE user_id = some_id )

Ilya Gerasimov, 2017-09-24

SELECT articles.id, articles.title, articles.text FROM articles WHERE id NOT IN(SELECT article_id  FROM read_articles WHERE user_id = ?)

Well, this type

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