ekaterina_cat2019-11-18 18:06:22
ekaterina_cat, 2019-11-18 18:06:22

How to leave only text inside desired fields?

Please tell me how to implement the following task: There is a large file with the following content

define( 'name', 'Name1' );
random text
define( 'surname', 'Surname1' );
random text
define( 'password', '111111111' );
random text
define( 'api', '123123123123123123' );
random text
random text
define( 'name', 'Name2' );
random text
define( 'surname', 'Surname2' );
random text
define( 'password', '777777777777' );
random text
define( 'api', '90909090909090' );

At the output you need to get:

How can this problem be solved? Thanks in advance!

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3 answer(s)
FanatPHP, 2019-11-18

I don’t know in the listed languages, I would solve such a problem in PHP

preg_match_all("!define\( '(.*?)', '(.*?)' \)!", $data, $m);
foreach ($m[2] as $i => $value) {
    echo $value;
    echo (($i + 1) % 4) ? ";" : "\n";

res2001, 2019-11-18

batch file:

@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "filename=1.txt"
set "name=" & set "surname=" & set "pass=" & set "api="
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=(;', " %%a in ('findstr "define" %filename%') do (
  if /i "%%a" equ "name" (
    set "name=%%b"
  ) else if /i "%%a" equ "surname" (
    set "surname=%%b"
  ) else if /i "%%a" equ "password" (
    set "pass=%%b"
  ) else if /i "%%a" equ "api" (
    set "api=%%b"
  if defined name if defined surname if defined pass if defined api (
    set "name=" & set "surname=" & set "pass=" & set "api="

It is assumed that the name, surname, password, api entries will be grouped exactly as in the example, i.e. records of different users will not be mixed.
In this case, problems are possible if the file contains data containing cmd special characters:!%&<>| ...

Saboteur, 2019-11-18

bash. In principle, you can still reduce ..

grep -Po "^define.*(name|surname|password|api)[', ]+\K[^']+" FILE.TXT|while read; do
  echo -n "$REPLY";
  [ $count -gt 3 ]&&count=0&&echo ""||echo -n ";"
echo ""

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