CokFl2016-10-31 14:20:35
CokFl, 2016-10-31 14:20:35

How to learn to read quickly?

I read an article
here on Habré, I am interested in the point:
3. Read as much as you can. Master the technique of fast reading with a high level of memorization. Emerson Spartz taught me this at the Summit Series. And if he reads 2-3 books a week, you may well read one.
What is the technique?

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12 answer(s)
ozknemoy, 2016-10-31

speed reading helps ONLY for reading tabloid newspapers, colorful magazines and hoodlit. serious materials, for learning, understanding, etc., sometimes you can’t even read at normal speed

Puma Thailand, 2016-10-31

I just read a lot and I learned
myself I can read a book and in a day if it’s interesting
, there’s just a certain speed of assimilation of information by the brain and it’s less than the speed of reading, alas

lukoie, 2016-10-31

look for the technique of fast reading and scanning books from Parabellum and Mrochkovsky - they have free materials on this topic
, they teach businessmen to read in such a way that they don’t spend a lot of time
go to any site with skadchins, there are many trainings and courses on speed reading - they are different there is.
there is a dude like a former FSB officer who teaches speed reading. if necessary, I will remember the name and write, then ask in the comment.

0x131315, 2016-11-01

Reading a lot is understandable. At one time, he also set records, swallowing 400 pages per night, too carried away.
But speed reading is not about how much to read, but about how to read as quickly as possible.
Now, for example, I can read a couple of times a week, 50-100 pages at a time - that's 2-4 hours a week. Of course, there is much more free time, but it is absorbed by all sorts of business and worries, recreation and entertainment, lack of mood.
The average book of 800 pages at such a pace takes a month or two. It used to be a few days or a week. It's sad, you want to read much more than you can afford.
But there is much more time to comprehend what has been read, several hours a day - when the mind is not busy with anything, and you can think about something, reflect.
Those. the problem is that there is a lot of time to read, but little time when there is an opportunity to read. So you need to somehow load the book into memory, and read from there.
Smarts and readers are not helpers here - at such moments when you can and want to read, for one reason or another it is often not convenient to stick to the screen - you have to be content with your own memory.
I read these 50-100 pages at a time from smart - it is more convenient than a computer, due to mobility: read where it is convenient.
But when I need to read a lot, I use a computer, it’s much more comfortable to read a lot while sitting in a chair: firstly, in this position it doesn’t make me sleepy (the eternal problem with smart - as soon as your head touches the pillow, you quickly fall asleep without having time to read a lot), secondly, it is convenient to maintain such a position for a long time, and the hands are free to do something else.
Somehow, for the sake of interest, I tried one of the speed reading methods - a video file, where words quickly flashed in the center of the screen.
The speed is such that it is impossible to read them consciously.
The technique specifically withstands the high speed of changing words - so that you do not even try to read the text.
At first it is difficult: you read one word out of ten, snatching it out of the stream, there can be no question of any meaning.
This can make you quit, because. no immediate results. But here the main thing is not to give up trying: the brain is an amazing machine, and very quickly adapts to a new task.
It took me about half an hour of persistent attempts to keep up with the speed of the text, reading from the screen. It was hard, because. concentration must be maintained.
But as soon as you give up and stop trying to read the text, an epiphany sets in: you read without reading!
The percentage of words read jumps sharply: it turns out to be even more convenient to read this way.
With practice, the error rate drops quickly.
Feelings at this moment are unusual - reading without reading. Then you get used to it.
By itself, the technique is of little use. Yes, the speed is higher than normal reading, but this is with crutches in the form of programs that cut the text into words, which also require high concentration from you, because. do not wait for you, do not interrupt the flow of words - at least do not blink.
Everything depends on short-term memory and the speed of analysis.
Text analysis in memory is much faster than text analysis on a page - you literally fly by in memory, slow eyes interfere on the page, they do not have time to jump through the text at the speed of analysis. So it's better to read from memory.
But using this technique, you can learn to read text from pictures that are in short-term memory. It's not hard.
If you don’t understand something, the “taken” picture is available within a few seconds, you can return to it and reread it (I sometimes reread it 2-3 times, but during the lifetime of a picture in short-term memory you can easily reread it 20-30 times ), and this is while you are "photographing" other pictures with your eyes, in parallel.
Those. the speed of analyzing pictures in memory is much higher than the speed of ordinary reading with the eyes, and the speed of photographing is much higher than the speed of analysis.
It is more profitable to photograph the text at maximum speed, then quickly analyze it in the background, and read it later, from memory, when there is time.
This is more profitable both in terms of speed and time: usually 80% of the time there is no access to a book / source, or there is no way to read it. For those 20% of the time, you need to overtake the book into memory as quickly as possible, and read it in the remaining 80% of the time, as convenient. You turn into a kind of flash drive.
Hence the idea: what if you do not read the text, but just take pictures?
You can read it later, and much faster than usual.
The maximum physical speed of photographing is 1/2 glance per page, 200 frames per second, i.e. up to 400pps.
The real one, of course, is much lower - how do you manage to flip through the pages, and you need to at least look at them with your eyes, otherwise you won’t remember anything (the field of view of the eye is very narrow, they need to scan the page). Probably around 2-4pps, but it's still way above the read speed.
There is only one minus: you need a trained memory.
But what if you train it directly in practice?
How I see it:
First, we train on cats - on video, then we switch to programs that cut text into words and display it on the screen, as in a video, at this time we train to read and reread text from short-term memory, and not from the screen, we reduce the percentage errors.
Then we learn to cut the text of ordinary books into words mentally or with a glance. We forget about crutches like a bad dream.
Then we train by expanding the field of view, capturing not one word at a time, but two, three, etc. to the picture.
Then we move on to training visual memory: we try to analyze complex things after reading, remembering their descriptions first, and later - only pictures of the text. This may take months.
Then we move on to formulas and graphics - this is more difficult, but it also trains memory more strongly. We are trying to analyze formulas/pictures after reading, while reading, first remembering their descriptions, and later - only pictures of the page section with them. Again, it will take several months of practice for the memory to catch up to this level.
Well, then we directly train photography: we try to memorize entire pages. This is already pulling for years of practice - it is more difficult to remember a whole page. But it is possible, and over time it will begin to turn out involuntarily.
Then we inevitably come to memory management and information compression technologies: a memorized book is easy to lose in memory if it is not read soon after memorization, this book must be put in memory somewhere, connected with something, so that later it can be found consciously, well and when there are a lot of books, you need to somehow select relevant pieces of information from them, without keeping the entire text in memory.
In general, we initially concentrate on visual memory, and over time we simply expand its capabilities by practicing reading - it should train itself.
The main thing is not to interrupt the practice, otherwise we will slide back to the beginning. As in any other business.

Denis Ineshin, 2016-10-31

I mean any of the proposed ones, Google gives out a whole pack

viaskit, 2016-10-31

Read the article on Emerson Spartz for the tricks he used to memorize

12ss, 2016-10-31

Brad is everything. You have already learned to read quickly.
Speed ​​reading techniques, I believe, teach simple truths: to go over the content, then through the text of a particular chapter before reading. Break a large read text into small conclusions. Concentrate, etc.

xozzslip, 2016-11-01

You can try the spritz technique . Reading with it is really easy and 2 or 3 times faster than usual. As for the understanding of the text, it will not fall for light literature, but for further conclusions it is necessary to test. Write a report if something works out

iSergios, 2016-11-01

On my own, I can say that reading speed is not a panacea at all. I can read very fast, 1000 words per minute is not the limit. But, as such, speed reading in "combat" conditions is used quite rarely, mainly at work for reading documents. When reading technical literature, documentation or other texts containing previously unknown content, the actual reading speed rests on the speed of information perception (of course, this is not about primary perception). In particularly difficult cases, it can drop to zero - when you just need to close everything and think it over :) Using speed reading in fiction, IMHO, is generally pointless - you need to imagine it there, and re-read it).

murlogen, 2016-11-01

3-4 книги в неделю - это ерунда.
В годы запойного чтения (в районе 13 лет) я их читал гораздо больше.
Сейчас - просто не интересно.
Практика, практика, практика, практика, практика....
Никаких волшебных пилюль не требуется

Илья, 2016-11-01

И. Л. Викентьев читает 7 книжек в день между другими делами. Поэтому думаю надо гуглить что-то связанное с ним. У него есть канал на ютубе, свой сайт vikent.ru. Так же он там же рассказывает как сразу отличать хорошую научную литературу от популизма и воды.

Александр Клепенков, 2016-11-10

google words:
Samuel Renshaw, Tachistoscope
This respected uncle worked on rapid recognition systems. On the basis of his work, many speed reading simulators have been made, in the AppStore there are very interesting, but paid ones.

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