avr19722018-12-10 15:30:33
English learning tools
avr1972, 2018-12-10 15:30:33

How to learn English more effectively? Two hours a day, for 2-3 years, or six months, but all day long?

Please tell me how to learn English more effectively? Two hours a day, for 2-3 years, or six months, but all day long?

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Dart, 2018-12-10

The most important thing is the environment. You need an exit to the level + then constant maintenance.
Getting to the level of two hours a day is enough, but the problem is that then you return to the Russian-speaking environment and your English degrades.
I once had an English tutor, and so a top manager from a Samsung branch in our city went to her just to talk about this and that once or twice a week so as not to forget the language.
Of course, with full immersion in the environment, everything learns much faster.

r00t0vi4, 2019-01-12

I advise you to start learning Russian. "during" is written with an "e".

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