e1s2015-08-27 11:48:53
e1s, 2015-08-27 11:48:53

How to learn ASP.NET MVC as quickly as possible?

Please advise books or video courses on ASP.NET MVC without "water", I know C# syntax. And what related languages ​​/ technologies to pay attention to when studying. Thanks

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2 answer(s)
zod ggs, 2015-08-27

In addition to www.asp.net/mvc , there are a lot of online resources in Russian.
For example - metanit.com/sharp/mvc5 , you can say there is a complete but simple course. In order to enter the technology is enough. It will be a plus to read - blog.foolsoft.ru/category/c , sergeyteplyakov.blogspot.ru , www.aspnet.com.ua/Category/developer-1.asp .
In IoC containers, asyn / await, patterns are not yet necessary to climb, initially over inspect on EntityFramework , Ajax , JS .
This will be enough. The rest will follow in search of solutions on stackoverflow and google.

Dmitry Kovalsky, 2015-08-27

If it's fast then - www.asp.net/mvc . Some textbooks simply translate these articles. If you like books, then - www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/29482313 or any other that says asp.net mvc. They don't bring up sharp syntax topics, only the framework. Related languages ​​and technologies ? And here the list goes on and on. Starting from the basic ones - SQL, XML, Javascript, HTML, continuing to the current ones - DI containers, Javascript frameworks like Angular, Backbone, etc., WCF. Well, finish with exotics like SignalR. Some of these topics are mentioned in the book that I proposed.

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