Viktor2020-02-23 02:20:18
Viktor, 2020-02-23 02:20:18

How to keep pagination on page reload?

There is a vuetify table component:

      loading-text="Загрузка данных, подождите..."
      no-data-text="Отсутствуют данные"
        itemsPerPageOptions: [5, 10, 15],
      <template v-slot:item.type="{ item }">
            'redText': item.type === 'Расходы',
            'greenText': item.type === 'Доходы',
        >{{ item.type }}</span>
      <template v-slot:item.open="{ item }">
         <v-tooltip bottom>
            <template v-slot:activator="{ on }">
              <v-btn text icon color="gray"  v-on="on" @click="clickHandler(item)">
                <v-icon>mdi-open-in-new </v-icon>

The question is the following, I want to save the number of the current pagination page in the query parameters so that the current pagination is saved when reloading. From the docks, I didn’t quite understand how to set the pagination page (for example, the 2nd or 3rd). And how to set a forward arrow click handler to set the query parameter

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1 answer(s)
0xD34F, 2020-02-23

how to set pagination page (for example 2nd or 3rd)

Add the page property to the component:
data: () => ({
  page: 1,

Attach it to a table:

Then just set the page value - the table will show the corresponding page.
how to set handler on click on forward arrow

No click handlers needed. Watch the page value:
watch: {
  page(val) {

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