Maxim2018-11-30 23:42:27
Maxim, 2018-11-30 23:42:27

How to integrate code execution on the site?

How can you integrate code execution on your site? There is, for example, repl.it , where you can run code online in different languages. How can this be implemented or is there a ready-made technology?
The challenge is interactive learning.

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2 answer(s)
Alexyz Canson, 2018-12-01

an example of code execution in php, the situation is similar with other languages

$message=shell_exec('php -r "'.$_POST['inputMemo'].'"');

also for other languages, it will be possible to save to a file and then reproduce and display the response on the screen
, the shell_exec command performs the role of bash

Stalker_RED, 2018-11-30

Sandbox, aka sandbox.
For some technologies, they are ready-made, for others, you will have to assemble them yourself from virtual machines and a file.
So google: php sandbox , for example.

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